This driving instructor is a perfect example of a wtf bay bridge driver. Over the last 100 feet leading up to the toll booth they changed lanes 5 different times. I’m guessing the blinker must have been broken on their shiny new blue Toyota Camry because I can’t think of any other reason not to use the blinker a single time. Great job continuing your demonstration of how to create traffic with unnecessary and excessive lane changes well beyond the toll booth. I have to give you credit for reinforcing stereotypes about two different types of drivers. This WTF Bay Bridge driver goes to you driver of a blue Camry with CA license plate 5W0B169.
And while on the topic of the Bay Bridge – CalTrans, just because you are building a new span to update the bridge it does not mean let the road surface of the current bridge go to hell. Patch a pothole or two. My car will thank you.