Elected officials of California, you are idiots. You have no clue how amazon’s associates program works. Did you really think Amazon would go to work as your tax collector? The stupid Amazon tax you added to the new budget will not get you another cent in your coffers. In fact, I bet you will be worse off. Amazon will not collect a dime for you. Amazon’s associate program has already terminated their agreement with CA residents. California’s economy is already in the toilet and you just helped to destroy 25,000 small businesses that used to earn a living working with Amazon. Great job working to get the unemployment numbers down you jackasses. So not only will you not collect a dime in new sales tax revenue, you are going to lose out on the $152 million in state income taxes those affiliates paid last year. Bravo. Once again the government has demonstrated just how out of touch they are with reality. Did you miss that Amazon and Overstock have terminated their affiliates in every state that passed one of these laws? There is already a law on the books that requires CA residents to pay the sales tax even if an out of state online retailer doesn’t collect it. Exactly what resources of the state of California does Amazon use that they should be subject to CA taxes? I guess you passed this all in the interest of fairness to Main Street – if by Main Street you mean Walmart and Best Buy’s lobbyists and lawyers. WTF? You just screwed over 25,000 small businesses in CA to help out Walmart and Best Buy.
Tag: california

me: just what I always wanted to do – follow the dmv on f$%#ing twitter.
friend: seriously?
friend: wtf
me: yes.
me: and watch the dmv on youtube.
me: i would rather remove a testicle with a spork from KFC.
friend: but probably not the best thing they could do to fix their shit atm
me: holy f$%# – can i please like them on facebook.
friend: lol
me: 1,119 like this
me: all state employees probably.
friend: probably heh
me: what an exciting post – It is very dangerous & unlawful if you pass a vehicle on a two lane highway without sufficient clearance.
me: oh, and there is a link to the state vehicle code. doesn’t get much cooler than that.
SERIOUSLY – California is going to have a $25 billion shortfall and the state is paying someone to do social media for the DMV?! WTF! Of all the things the California DMV needs to do to improve its image, I really don’t think “connecting” is one of them.