Today one tried to hire me and one was supposed help me hire someone. Both wasted my time. Both added no value to the process. Kind of like realturds, err, I mean realtors. I’m going to generalize, but wtf is wrong with people in both of these professions?
Category: rant
Over the past two months I’ve attempted to order from domino’s pizza 3 times. None of them was successful.
Attempt #1 – shoprunner broken. the only real reason to have shoprunner is free domino’s delivery
Attempt #2 – after wasting 30 minutes trying to order, I try another browser and it tells me my location isn’t taking web orders and every other location is carry out.
Attempt #3 – once again, I go to checkout and the little progress bar shows up on the screen. And stays there. A few minutes later an error shows up saying that if the problem persists to call a phone number. I try again. Same problem. Okay, let’s try another browser. What do you know, the store isn’t taking web orders again.
wtf is wrong with my local domino’s? After ordering online for years it is now completely screwed up. Of course every time I try to order I’m in a hurry and you waste 30 minutes of my life. And then I have to deal with a house full of starving, grumpy people. You suck. Get your act together. Roll back your code to when it worked. I will never know if you do, though. I’m done. Even though I like the taste of your pizza better, I’m ordering from Papa John’s or driving to Little Caeser’s from now on.
I was helping someone get a new cell phone / phone service so we were looking at Sprint. They’ve got the new Samsung Galaxy S III so why not give them a shot. Amazon Wireless is the place to get a cell phone / plan, so add the phone to the cart. Ok, now to pick the plan – well, 450 minutes is plenty. Let’s check the coverage. Hmmm, well the phone is 4G LTE, but Sprint only has 4G LTE in a few cities in the middle of the country – mostly the have Wimax. So the phone will be using 3G because there is no LTE for most of the country on Sprint. Oh well, I’m sure they will eventually add it. Ok – we select the 450 minutes “Everything Data” Plan for $69.99.
Now on to select options…
What’s this? A box is prechecked and I can’t uncheck it…
WTF Sprint? When I select “Everything Data” I thought it meant EVERYTHING! Their explanation – “The Premium Data add-on charge is required for smartphones… because smartphone users use 10 times more data than customers with basic or feature phones.” No kidding. Really? A smartphone uses more data than a phone that can only make phone calls? WTF would a person with a phone that can only make phone calls need data for anyway? And by the way, 3G isn’t exactly “premium data”.
Elected officials of California, you are idiots. You have no clue how amazon’s associates program works. Did you really think Amazon would go to work as your tax collector? The stupid Amazon tax you added to the new budget will not get you another cent in your coffers. In fact, I bet you will be worse off. Amazon will not collect a dime for you. Amazon’s associate program has already terminated their agreement with CA residents. California’s economy is already in the toilet and you just helped to destroy 25,000 small businesses that used to earn a living working with Amazon. Great job working to get the unemployment numbers down you jackasses. So not only will you not collect a dime in new sales tax revenue, you are going to lose out on the $152 million in state income taxes those affiliates paid last year. Bravo. Once again the government has demonstrated just how out of touch they are with reality. Did you miss that Amazon and Overstock have terminated their affiliates in every state that passed one of these laws? There is already a law on the books that requires CA residents to pay the sales tax even if an out of state online retailer doesn’t collect it. Exactly what resources of the state of California does Amazon use that they should be subject to CA taxes? I guess you passed this all in the interest of fairness to Main Street – if by Main Street you mean Walmart and Best Buy’s lobbyists and lawyers. WTF? You just screwed over 25,000 small businesses in CA to help out Walmart and Best Buy.

me: just what I always wanted to do – follow the dmv on f$%#ing twitter.
friend: seriously?
friend: wtf
me: yes.
me: and watch the dmv on youtube.
me: i would rather remove a testicle with a spork from KFC.
friend: but probably not the best thing they could do to fix their shit atm
me: holy f$%# – can i please like them on facebook.
friend: lol
me: 1,119 like this
me: all state employees probably.
friend: probably heh
me: what an exciting post – It is very dangerous & unlawful if you pass a vehicle on a two lane highway without sufficient clearance.
me: oh, and there is a link to the state vehicle code. doesn’t get much cooler than that.
SERIOUSLY – California is going to have a $25 billion shortfall and the state is paying someone to do social media for the DMV?! WTF! Of all the things the California DMV needs to do to improve its image, I really don’t think “connecting” is one of them.

Dear IRS,
Ok, it isn’t bad enough that you have been requesting additional documents for almost a year for the homebuyer credit.
It isn’t enough that when I called and waited on hold for what seemed like an eternity it was only to speak with a 50+ year old man who sounded like he was fresh off the fry station at McDonald’s.
Can it be worse than when I had an accountant call and you basically told him you are understaffed and really have no idea what is going on or where you misplaced my documents, but you can confirm you received them.
Or the time you mailed me a letter saying that you were denying my claim in its entirety and wanted me to sign two documents saying that I agreed with the decision. And then in a follow up phone call said it was just an automated letter because you were behind on your paperwork.
That was frustrating and annoying. I mean what else can an individual do when IRS makes a decision, even a wrong one. It’s not like you can lock the IRS up in prison for failing to pay out a refund (kind of funny that they can lock you up though for failing to file). It’s not like it is worth it to get a lawyer because a lawyer’s fee will quickly eat up whatever potential return you are expecting.
But now I know you are just f—ing with me. WTF is going on over there? Not only did my credit magically appear in my bank account. It was 3 times the amount it should have been! I’m sure you made yet another mistake. I’m sure I will have to pay you back. I’m sure it is my fault somehow and I will owe interest. But seriously IRS, it really isn’t funny to tempt people with thousands of dollars they can’t touch even though it is in their account. Glad you think my bank account is a place where you can stash cash. To quote Big Worm, “Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions,” and my emotions don’t like being played with. He also said, “First of all, don’t be callin’ here like you some straight up G, cause I’ll cut ya balls off and hand ’em to ya, patna. I had to warn you too many times about my money, Smokey. You see, it’s the principal. There’s principalities in the whole thing.” Unfortunately, I think that is what the IRS will be telling me when they want their money back.
Alright, I realize this is the content provider’s agreement, but listen up. So I subscribe to HuluPlus and Netflix because it saves me money, it’s not for everyone but I just don’t need shit the day it comes out because I watch very select bits of TV. With that said hulu plus wtf is up with your content licensing, I mean really let me tell you all the content licensing schemas for the different shows that you provide are absolutely insane. Example:
Sons of Anarchy, great show, INSANE LICENSING RESTRICTIONS. I swear they must roll dice to determine when content is available. For season 3, the first 3 episodes aired “normally” for hulu subscribers which is to say like a week late, ok cool I don’t mind waiting around it’s all good. So the original air date was Sept 3. followed by the 10th and the 17th for the first 3 episodes for all people who normally get FX, for people on hulu plus its shifted a week. This is not the WTF. The WTF is that they then put a hiatus on releasing new episodes until december 6th! It just doesn’t make ANY SENSE. It’s like they are trying to figure out people’s breaking points or something to get them to subscriber with the really popular content or something. You might as well just say hey you can only watch them on the internet every tuesday at 4pm. If I am on the internet I shouldn’t have to get out a freakin calendar to check whether or not I can view your content, either put it up or don’t at all save us all some hassle.
Second verse, same as the first. Of having recently acquired a PS3 I decided to see how the hulu plus app is on that just for shit’s and giggles, now I knew it would probably not be as good as my media PC but I said what the heck might be entertaining. Then I go to my Queue and like half the shows I have in my queue are not there. I go huh, that’s odd, did hulu pull them without telling me like they did with “It’s always sunny in philadelphia”? (Hmm, note also an FX show). Go searching on the huluplus app and it says “Web only”, oh gee so you can offer it on PC that is using a television as a display, but you can’t offer it on a PS3, oh dear me what POSSIBLE horrible forms of piracy could evolve from the PS3 that you couldn’t do on a PC. What is the FREAKING POINT of denying the content on known working platforms. Probably the point is they can’t figure out a way to limit the content on those devices … yet!
Listen up you marketing GENIUSES at FX. I am sure if I tried to find other examples of insane content licensing I could find them I am just too steamed right now to waste my time looking for them. This kind of marketing crap it doesn’t earn you viewership, it earns you ire. Put on your big boy pants and start walking around in the digital age.
The problem with facebook users is the same problem that plagues america. They are a whiny bunch of self-entitled brats that love to complain about everything and do/give absolutely nothing. Sitting on your ass at home playing farmville all day and collecting unemployment (if filing the paperwork wasn’t too much trouble) and then wondering why the economy isn’t recovering and the house you put 0 down on is underwater. The free ride that was the housing bubble has ended. America didn’t become a superpower by complaining so loud that other countries gave us handouts to shut us up. We should rewards people with skills, talent and the ability to innovate, but instead we celebrate stupidity. I’m tired of all the whining when two seconds of self reflection would show people what the problem is. So why am I complaining about facebook users? Because their narcissism thrives in the facebook environment and civility is quite often thrown out the window because of the most trivial things. I don’t want to make this a broad, over-generalization about the 500million members, so let me clarify. There is a noisy, obnoxious subset that whines the loudest and probably spews 90% of the rubbish clogging up news feeds and walls. wtf is your problem whiny facebook user because I’ve really had it with your ungrateful attitude.
wtf in general
Ok, this site needs a little more participation people. Let me kick it off by ranting:
wtf – it took 45 minutes to find 2 hour parking this morning
wtf – my computer had the blue screen of death (13 times this year, but who is counting)
wtf – is with the irs? jerks owe me over $3,000, but will they pay any penalties or interest for their mistake? hell no they won’t.
wtf – is with my red neck, white trash neighbor in Montana shooting at my realtor.
wtf – is with people not following through on their word
wtf – is with people who don’t know what they don’t know but think they do?
wtf – is with the clueless f—tards we, the (ignorant) people, keep electing to office
wtf – is with people who are slow on the uptake?
wtf – a homeless man is taking bottles out of my recycling bin in the middle of suburbia
and why the f do I forget half the list when I go to write it down? so wtf do you have to complain about? *hint* leave a comment
Tax coffers running a little low – let’s raise the sales tax to 10% for 7 years. Nice move San Leandro city officials. Let’s waste time putting it on the ballot. Hopefully voters have a clue and vote against it.
At 10%, San Leandro will have the highest sales tax in the already expensive Bay Area. And let’s face it, San Leandro residents don’t have the highest incomes in the Bay Area. Who will it hurt? The poor and the businesses. Anyone with the means can and will shop in any of the neighboring cities or unincorporated areas and not pay the tax. (Don’t even get me started on metered parking – but that’s not just in San Leandro)
Let’s also raise sewage rates so we can spend tens of millions of dollars upgrading the sewage treatment plant.
And statewide – let’s see what else we can do to dig ourselves deeper. Raise bridge tolls? Take a tax advance on everyone’s future earnings (interest free I might add)? Those with the means will eventually get fed up and leave – and those with the means are the ones who will refill the empty coffers – only they will be gone. Then what will you do?